Create Space/Time to Blog

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right? So why is it that some people can find the time to blog – even while accomplishing a boat load of other tasks – and some folks can’t?

One word: Priorities.

I’m going to be honest with you here. If you want to get something done, you can’t just talk about it in “someday” terms. You’ve got to commit to it as a high priority item.

Will that mean giving up something else? Yes.

But it doesn’t have to be a huge amount of time. You can definitely find small chunks throughout your day to devote to writing. Here are some ideas:

  • Eliminate Facebook time
  • Replace Netflix with a notebook
  • Go to sleep an hour later
  • Wake up an hour earlier
  • Break for lunch 15 minutes earlier

Look at Your Week Realistically.

Get out a sheet of paper and write down your regular routine in 15 min increments. What time do you get up? When do you shower? Eat? Sit down to work? Exercise? Break for lunch? Etc.

There will most likely be at least 2-3 empty 15 min spots in your day. Circle those. See if you can move things around to get at least a 30 min block set aside just for writing.

Work in Short, Intense Bursts.

You can get a lot done in 25-30 minutes. Much more than you might think. And if you dedicate one 25-minute spurt to blogging each day, you’ll be amazed at how much you accomplish.

What can you do in 25 minutes?

  • Brainstorm blog topic ideas
  • Outline a blog post or two
  • Research a blog post (what are others saying/ not saying?)
  • Write a section of a blog post (per your outline)
  • Edit a blog post
  • Look for images
  • Proofread a blog post
  • Publish a post

Set your timer and go to work. I like this one:

If you haven’t yet heard of the Pomodoro Technique (or a “Tomato” as I like to call them), you can learn more here.

Define Your Measure of Success.

Creating space/time for your writing is about more than just finding an open slot in your day planner. It’s about self-compassion, too.

You need to understand the terrain, yes. But you also need to stay connected to your Why.

Why are you blogging? Is it because you feel you “should”?

If so, you may feel overwhelmed by some of the promises of biz blogging:

  • Blogging will bring me more web traffic and thus more clients
  • Blogging will establish me as an “authority” in my field
  • Blogging will help me create community

There are tons of articles out there urging you to create “epic” content and teaching you how to make your stuff go viral.

If you sit down to write with those expectations, you’ll crumble under the pressure.

Instead, think about your Ideal Client. One person. What does she want? What does she need? If you helped her – and only her – with your blog post, would that be enough for you?

What will make the writing worthwhile for YOU?

Your Turn: Commit to a regular time and practice. Specify your intentions and what blogging success will look like for you. Share these thoughts in a comment below.