Make it Easy for Your Ideas to Spread

Today’s lesson is not just about your copy. It’s about how to get that copy shared and out to the world.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with their web content, is not making it easily shareable.

You’ve gone to the trouble to write some epic stuff — why hide it under a rock?

What do I mean?

Now that social media has become so pervasive (and, by extension, sharing buttons), when people visit your site, they expect to be able to share, like or tweet anything and everything. And when they don’t see those buttons? Yikes! What to do?

If you’re using WordPress, adding social sharing options is easy…you just choose a plugin that works best for you and turn it on.

If you’re not using WordPress, then hopefully the platform you are using has some simple ways to incorporate sharing buttons. FIND OUT!

Ideally, you want an option that will allow you at a minimum to place those buttons immediately below the last line of text in your blog post, page, article or other bit of content.

If you’re a WordPress user, I recommend either the Digg Digg plugin or Elegant Themes’ Monarch plugin. But there are literally hundreds of others to choose from.

Your assignment: Get those buttons up there TODAY.

Once you’ve got those locked and loaded and ready to go, make sure you’re the first one to use them after you publish that new blog post. You’ve got to start the ball rolling by sharing…

  • On your Facebook wall and fan pages
  • Via Twitter
  • In a LinkedIn status update
  • On Google+
  • …and whatever other social media channels your ideal customers use


Get Your FREE Copy/Content Review

Congratuations! Now that you’ve completed this course, you’re eligible for one FREE line-by-line review of your choice of web copy or content (1200 words or less).

To get started, send an email to: with Baked With Love Gift in the subject line.